Why do we write things down?


I can not count the number of meetings I participated in, where we wasted lots of time on topics where a personal view was more important than noted facts about the same topic. If you do so in your meetings, only blame yourself, because you went along!

Specifically in complex agreements and contracts I have witnessed many debates about actions or obligations that were not agreed at all, but were started because someone just had a firm believe that it was agreed, or was simply bluffing because of ignorance or gain.

While much is written down during negotiations about a contract or agreement, internal or external, in the end what is agreed should be found on (electronic) paper. If not, it is logical you can discuss and come to an additional agreement (and hopefully put this on paper too).

However, in many cases and in the course of time, what we put on paper, we tend to forget and the debates follow their own route in the heat of the moment. It is not uncommon, that one of the parties ends up with work or cost, not initially agreed. Of course, that could also happen to you or your company.

In the preparation of a progress or status meeting, and regardless the governance level (a topic I will handle separately), it is eminent that knowing what is agreed on paper is extremely helpful to focus the discussion on the facts. And of course, not remembering all, and unsure of a statement made by one of the other participants, I would strongly advise to always ask the question "where is stated or agreed what you bring up?". If the answer is not conclusive, let it so be noted.

To even assist more in easing follow up progression and status meetings, there is an old Dutch saying, ' The writer lives on' .Need I say more...

You will be amazed, how easy it is, to limit endless conversations, if you connect those back to agreements made. It is ok, if you discuss interpretation, and ensure you reconfirm or adjust in writing, but it is not ok to discuss believes and interpretations of people that have their own agenda's. And if you still go along? Blame yourself!

Fred Bosch - About Management and more - All rights reserved 2019-2022